Good Evening All:
I hope this update finds you all enjoying the weekend and gearing up for another week. There is no question that COVID-19 has presented our community and nation with concerns and threats never seen before. As you know, student’s academic routines have been challenged during this stressful time and no one can be sure of its long-term effects on the well-being and safety of our students.
My staff and I are here to do everything within our power to continue to assist in your learning and safety. Our district sent out a parent letter detailing the specifics of our supports throughout the summer until the end of 1st Quarter (October 2020) for 4th quarter incompletes. At Kearns High we will follow that platform by creating a user friendly way to make up all incompletes. That plan will be shared when we get closer to May 21st. For now, here is what we have been working on:
-Students need to continue engaging in 4th quarter work.
-Athletes, we have posted the plan for you to clear out your lockers and turn in your uniforms on social media and on the school website. Your coach should have also reached out to you. This plan must be followed for your safety in an effort to practice social distancing protocols. It begins tomorrow morning at 9:00 am.
-Seniors, we apologize that your survey has been delayed. Superintendent Bates needed more time to meet with our board to verify the contents of the survey. You should see it in your school email early next week. Please participate and let us know what option you would most like to see. As you complete the survey consider the following: members in your class leaving early summer to participate in boot camp, college athletes leaving early for school, as well as jobs and/or other obstacles that may impede your choice. Additionally, we must all consider the unknown of when we will be allowed by our Governor to gather in groups larger than ten. We, as a staff, would like nothing more than to celebrate your accomplishments in a way you all deserve. It is upsetting for all of us that this choice has to be made.
-The plan for school locker cleanout will be disseminated on Wednesday of this week. The cleanouts will run May 4th -12th. We will run over multiple days in order to respect social distancing and to keep YOU and my staff, who will be assisting, all safe during the process. Watch for it on social media and our school website.
-Those of you who checked out library books for your reading pleasure should begin to return them. Our adult aides will collect them in the main hall Monday – Friday from 8:00 to 2:00.
Parents and students, thank you for all you are doing to assist in this process of distance learning. I know how difficult this process is as I have had to learn to do a lot of my responsibilities under the same guidelines as you. To be honest, I am looking forward to the day that we can all return and run school traditionally. For now continue to be safe and reach out to my staff and administration as needed, we want to help.
Principal Loo