Hello KHS Parents and Students,
The Summer Packet Program will be ending this week. You can drop off your packets this Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between the hours of 8:00 and 12:00. After this time no more packets can be picked up, but they can be turned into administration upon completion. 2020 SENIORS – you have until the end of August to complete your 4th quarter credit recovery for graduation. ALL OTHER CLASSES – you have until the end of first quarter (October 22nd) to make-up 4th quarter credit.
Registration letters are going out this week and the online registration process begins on August 1st. EVERY student must complete this registration process – in person or distance learning does not matter – it needs to be completed! Picking your schedule last school year does not count as registration. The building will be open August 6th, 7th, 10th, and 11th from 7:30 – 3:00 for online registration if you need assistance with the process. We will have Chromebooks available for you to complete the online registration forms.
Please call the main office with further questions – 385-646-5380.
Distance Learning for the 2020-2021 school year: THIS FORM IS DUE NO LATER THAN AUGUST 6th! Please complete the form for each of your secondary students who will be participating in distance learning at Kearns High School.
Distance Learning Fillable Form Secondary
Formulario de solicitud de aprendizaje a distancia
Please email the distance learning form to your grade level administrator. In this email please indicate if your student will be needing a Chromebook at home to participate in distance learning.
Mrs. Johnson (9th) jjohnson@graniteschools.org
Mr. Fausett (10th) tfausett@graniteschools.org
Mr. Wooldridge (11th) skwooldridge@graniteschools.org
Mr. Hansen (12th) bjhansen@graniteschools.org