KHS Parents,
Midterms will be published to Gradebook on Saturday, September 19th. Please see the links below for instructions on how to access those grades.
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, September 21st and 22nd from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Due to COVID concerns we will be handling all conferences by phone, virtual, or email.
You should receive information from each of your student’s teachers through an email or announcement in Canvas. The teachers have provided you with some basic class and grade information. If you feel like that information is sufficient and your student is doing well based on the midterm grades you don’t need to do anything further.
GTI and Seminary students should look for a separate communication from those teachers.
If you would like to request additional information through an email or phone conference please click on the link provided by the teacher and fill out the form for the teacher you would like to meet with. The form is unique to each teacher, so please make sure you click on the link provided by the teacher you would like to make contact with. If you are requesting an email conference please indicate that on the form, provide your email address and what you would like to discuss and submit the form.
If you would like to request a phone call or virtual meeting you will indicate that on the form, provide a phone number and/or email address and what you would like to discuss. After you submit the form there will be instructions on how to set up a phone appointment time. The information will take you to Canyon Creek Scheduler where you can set up appointments with the teachers you feel you need to speak with. The phone/virtual appointments will be limited to five minutes. If you need additional time you will need to make arrangements for a later phone conference or handle remaining concerns through email.
Again – the Canyon Creek Scheduler is ONLY for those who want a phone appointment! The scheduler will open on Monday, September 14th and will close on Thursday, September 17th. The password for Canyon Creek is cougars.
Spanish translators will be available upon request – please include this need on the form so we can be prepared for you.
Canyon Creek Instructions English/Spanish