Parents and Students:
I hope this letter finds you all doing as best as you can. Staying safe and healthy is always the goal we need to practice at this time as we accomplish our life tasks and work within our current culture of COVID. We appreciate ALL you are doing to navigate these undetermined waters to follow the directives of our Governor, Superintendent Bates, and the CDC.
As the 1st quarter comes to an end in two weeks, my staff and I would like to encourage our students to complete quarter one with a PASSING grade. We understand the learning platform surrounding the pandemic can be confusing as we balance “face to face and distance learning”. However, both these choices provide safe and parent driven choices. Parents, if you are choosing to have your students return to “face to face from distance learning”, please complete the form found on our website and submit it to your grade level administrator. If you are electing to remain on “face to face” or “distance” nothing is needed from you at this time.
Students, you have until October 20th, unless otherwise indicated by your teachers, to complete all assignments, learning tasks, quizzes, assessments, and retakes. Please take full advantage of this time. The grade you receive will be the grade documented on your transcript. Please ENGAGE in and complete ALL of your work. October 19th will be the last “face to face” day of 1stquarter. October 20th is a distance learning day for everyone. Please check your teacher’s Canvas pages for announcements and instructions. IF you received an incomplete grade from fourth quarter last year you have until October 22nd to submit those assignments or pass off those assessments. Please do so ASAP as we will still be awarding a PASS grade for fourth quarter only.
Teachers will be in training and preparing for the start of 2nd quarter on October 21st -23rd. They will NOT be available to assist during those dates.
Students, please continue to wear your masks while you are socially engaged with friends outside of school. Be safe as we continue to do our very BEST keeping our school open for the “face to face” learning platform.
Enjoy your five day Fall Recess. We will see you on October 26th to begin 2nd quarter. Stay safe!
Principal Loo