Dear Parents and Students:
As we prepare to reopen our school tomorrow, I wanted to share what we have been doing for the last two weeks in preparation for this reopening. Granite District and the CDC offer some strict cleaning guidelines that I assure you have been performed. It is our duty and responsibility to consider the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, teachers, staff, their families, and our community.
In the world of Kearns High School we are doing the following:
- Promoting cleanliness expectations that reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our building.
- Maintaining healthy environments.
- Maintaining healthy school operations and expectations.
- Providing a designated isolation room when students come to school sick. Parents are called immediately to pick up their student.
During 1st quarter my admin team and I have found that the transmission of COVID-19 is not happening within our building, as we respond quickly upon the point of notification to contact trace, send letters home, and quarantine possible exposures. This process can take up to three hours of work per exposed student. Rest assured, we respond to each exposure as soon as we are notified, no matter the day or time. It is a process that requires collaboration between admin, the Health Department, and the nurses on the Granite COVID Team.
With that said, “We ask that you please keep your student home if they are feeling sick at all”. With the flu season upon us things could get a bit challenging to navigate both flu symptoms and COVID, which are fairly similar. Having just experienced a school dismissal, our district will continue to follow the guidelines and directives of the Health Department. If we hit fifteen positive cases on our dashboard, dismissal will occur again. In an effort to mitigate future dismissals, parents, “please keep your students home”. Email or call our attendance office as soon as you know the absence will occur. Your student will be excused and can find everything they need on Canvas to keep up with classwork.
As we open our doors for “face to face learning “ tomorrow here are some reminders for our students:
-Doors open at 7:00 am – plan your drop off accordingly.
-Make sure you bring your Chromebook with you fully charged.
-Bring your mask to wear all day.
-Practice social distancing as much as possible.
-Lunch is the only time you will be allowed to remove your mask. Once you are done eating the mask should be put back on immediately.
-Sanitize as often as possible, your teachers have sufficient supplies for your safety.
-At the ten minute cleanup bell you will disinfect and wipe down your work space.
-Bring a water bottle. We have four touchless water dispensers throughout the building for your safety and convenience.
Report cards will be distributed to face to face learners tomorrow during 4A. If your student has an off campus course or home release during 4A they need to see Jessica Lokeni in the Career Center to pick up 1st quarter’s report card. If your student has a hybrid schedule, but does distance learning during 4A he or she will need to go to the Career Center as well. Those students who are distance learning for ALL classes will receive the report card in the mail.
Finally, Kearns High School has adopted an official Academic Honesty Policy. Academic honesty is the behavior that demonstrates a student’s integrity and respect in all aspects of learning. We believe that our students can and should demonstrate growth through the completion of their own work without seeking unfair advantage(s) over others. Please make yourself familiar with this policy as it will be enforced in all courses moving forward. This policy can be found on our webpage under Resources/Policies. Finally, Kearns High School has adopted an official Academic Honesty Policy. Academic honesty is the behavior that demonstrates a student’s integrity and respect in all aspects of learning. We believe that our students can and should demonstrate growth through the completion of their own work without seeking unfair advantage(s) over others. Please make yourself familiar with this policy as it will be enforced in all courses moving forward. This policy can be found on our webpage under Resources/Policies.
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Thanks for your continued support.
Principal Loo