Parents and Students,
We hope you all had a great holiday season while celebrating in a different way and staying safe and healthy. These are definitely difficult times, which calls for difficult measures and decisions that are not always in our immediate control. Please know we understand and we continue to do things “outside the box” to keep students and staff safe.
As we conclude the end of another quarter, we have some reminders to make you all aware of:
-As you visit the Kearns High case count dashboard please make sure you are familiar with the NEW process implemented by the Health Department that we are required to comply with moving forward. We have already dealt with a few cases since school started under the new requirements. The one thing we NEED your assistance with is the wearing of masks outside of school in public places or gatherings. We continue to enforce the wearing of masks with our staff and students and, in our opinion, the exposure is still happening outside our building. Please continue to help us out!
-If you have student athletes you know that we are performing “test to play” protocols every week to help keep your athletes safe. We have now been given permission to begin testing spring athletes. I am hopeful that next month we will be given permission to test fall athletes as well. However, currently, I would suggest that fall athletes join other approved spring sports to guarantee your ability to test every other Friday.
–Jan 11th is our last “face to face” learning day and the 12th is our last distance learning day of the quarter. The rest of the week teachers are in trainings, working on grades, and planning for 3rd quarter.
Students, I know that your teachers have already informed you of due dates for work completion. Please review your teachers Canvas pages to be aware of due dates and able to turn your work in a timely fashion. We want you to do well, so please finish strong.
-Seniors, we should NOT wait until the last minute to complete credit recovery! Please reach out to your counselor NOW so they can assign you a code to begin the work . We desperately want you to graduate and are willing to assist in anyway that we can. Our counselors are also administering credit recovery at school every Friday if you prefer a face to face time.
-If you are experiencing problems with your Chromebooks please make sure you go to the Media Center on Monday Jan 11th between the hours of 7:00am- 2:30 pm for assistance.
-The building will NOT be open on Tuesday-Friday due to trainings and teacher planning time. Please call the school with any questions.
-There will be a NEW course added to your students’ Canvas called, “College, Career, and Mental Health Support from your KHS Counselors. This course has information on paying for college, course options during their high school tenure, social emotional supports, and so much more. Please have your student look through this course and become familiar with the available resources.
–Jan 18th is the Martin Luther King Holiday and the building will be locked. 3rd quarter begins on Tuesday, January 19th. Please refer to your new class schedule available on Gradebook. You need to select the year option to see it until the new quarter starts. At that point the correct schedule will show up daily. Your new Canvas courses will show up on the first day of the new quarter.
All, please continue to be safe and stay healthy. Let’s all continue to do the very BEST we can to be successful under this pandemic culture. Parents, we want your students to succeed and are here to assist. Have a great weekend.
Principal Loo