Dear Parents:
We are excited to be able to host our Senior Ball on May 28th. We are required to Covid test all students from Kearns High who are planning to attend this event. I know there are many thoughts, ideas, and concerns surrounding the why we are still testing even if students are vaccinated. Even though the Health Department’s restrictions have changed, they recommended this test based on the safety and the health of our students.
With that said, Kearns High will be rapid testing our students on Wednesday, May 26th from 2:30 to 4:30. You may choose to come when you are able during that two-hour time block. At this point we are unaware of how many of our students will be attending this event. To help eliminate the wait time for students we will test and release the students to go home. They will receive a notification of their results through the email that they registered with. Additionally, we will call home if we have a student who tests positive. We are only testing KHS students including our early graduates.
If you were already testing on Fridays with the “test to play” protocol during the spring, you will NOT need to register again. If not, please use this link to register to test.
Parents and students, I apologize if this process is not ideal for your schedule. To be within the guidelines of the Health Department we must do the testing on Wednesday after school. If students miss this opportunity, they may go to another test site and bring their negative result to any Kearns High Administrator for approval on Thursday or Friday until noon. We will begin selling tickets on Thursday, May 27th in the morning, during lunches, and after school until 3:30. On Friday, May 28th, the bookkeepers office will be open from 8:00 am-12:00 pm for final ticket sales.
Remember, if you are bringing a guest from a different school they must be cleared by their administration and have a negative Covid test to attend our dance. Only negative Covid tests from authorized county health departments will be accepted. Home tests are not acceptable. If you tested positive within the last 90 days, please bring your official notice. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate the pandemic while still providing a safe atmosphere for our students.
Principal Loo