Holly Allen
English and ESL Teacher
- ESL 9 Level 1
- ESL 9 Level 2
- ESL 11 Level 1
- ESL 11 Level 2
- ELD 9/11 Level 1
- ELD 12 Level 2
- Newcomers
- English 9 Core
Meghan Allen
Fine Arts Teacher
- Intermediate Drawing 2
- Beginning Painting
- Intermediate Painting
- Advanced Painting 3-4
- AP 2D Studio Art
Megan Angell
Math Teacher
- Secondary Math 2 Core
- Secondary Math 2 Honors
Nick Angell
Science Teacher
- Physics
- Honors Physics
- AP Physics
Dave Ballard
Driver’s Education Teacher
- Drivers Education
Roger Bean
Math Teacher
- Intro to Stats
- Math 1040 (stats) CE
- Secondary Math 3
- AP Stats
Erin Britt
English Teacher
- English 9 Core
- English 12 Core
Jared Burgess
Science Teacher
- Biology Core
- Biology Honors
- Zoology
Andrew Busath
World Languages & LIA Teacher
- Latinos in Action
Ann Bybee
Special Education Teacher
- English 11
- English 9 (co-taught)
- Directed Studies 11/12
Callie Campbell
English Teacher
- English 9 Honors
- English 9 Core (co-taught)
- English 10 Core (co-taught)
Jamal Carter
Special Ed. Teacher
- English 9
- English 10
- English 11
- English 12
- Concepts of Personal Finance
- Concepts of Biology
- Concepts of Explicit Reading
- Directed Studies
- Concepts of World Civ
- Concepts of US History
- Concepts of US Government
Raul Cavazos
PE Teacher
- Fitness for Life
- Weight Training/Conditioning 1-4
- Lifetime Activities
- Boy's Soccer
Alejandro Chicardini
Science Teacher
- Earth & Space Science
June Christiansen
Art Teacher
- Sculpture 1
- 3D Design 1
- Beginning Painting 1
- Drawing CE
Jami Clopten
Special Ed. Teacher
- Concepts of Reading - Read 180
- English 9
- English 10
- English 11
- English 12
Dan Cosby
Business Teacher & Head Boy’s Basketball Coach
- Sports Entertainment/Marketing
- Business Mangement
- Digital Business Application
- Accounting 1
- Study Skills
- Business Communication
- Boys Basketball
Michael Cramer
Business Teacher
- Marketing 1
- Digital Business Applications
- Digital Marketing
- Marketing 1
- Financial Lit
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
Kortney Cullimore
FACS Teacher
- Culinary 1
- Food & Nutrition
- Interior Design 1
- Interior Design 2
- Fashion Design Studio
Ted Davis
Special Ed. Teacher
- Concepts of World Geography
- Concepts of World Civilizations
- Concepts of US History
- Concepts of US Gov/Citz
- Concepts of Reading 9-12
- Concepts of Earth Science
- Concepts of Biology
- Concepts of Physics
- English 9
- English 10
- English 11
- English 12
- Directed Studies
Phillip Devault
Health Teacher
- Fitness for Life
- Health II
Dennis Dickson
Special Ed. Teacher
- Secondary Math 2 (co-taught)
- AA 9th Math
- Modern Math (co-taught)
- Secondary Math 2
- Directed Studies 9/10
Jamie Digerness
Math Teacher
- Math 1050 CE College Algebra
- Math 1060 CE Trig
- Honors Secondary Math 1
- Secondary Math 3
Julie Duncan
Choir Teacher
- Madrigals
- Listening & Literature
- T/B Chorus Beginning
- T/B Chorus Advanced
- Small Ensembles Voc
- Concert Choir
- S/A Chorus Beginning
Charles Dye
Band & Orchestra Teacher
- Wind Ensemble
- Concert Band
- Guitar 1
- Guitar 2
- Jazz Ensemble
- Percussion Ensemble
- Marching Band
- Small Ensembles String
Sarah Featherstone
Math Teacher
- Modern Math
- Modern Math (co-taught)
- Math 1030 Quantative Reasoning CE
- Credit Recovery
Sione Fuapau
Special Education Teacher
- Read 180
- English 9
- English 10
- English 11
- English 12
Elpitha Gamvroulas
English Teacher
- English 10 Core
- Creative Writing
Michael Gaynor
Science Teacher
- Chemistry
Adela Genoves
Science Teacher
- Earth & Space Science
- Astronomy
- Geology
Tom Glasmann
Auto Teacher
- Intro Automotive
- Auto Chassis MLR 2
- Auto Engine MLR 3
Bryan Good
AVID & Athletics Teacher
- AVID 9
- AVID 12
Robert Greider
Science Teacher
- Biology Honors
- Biology Core
Ben Hall
Math Teacher
- Secondary Math 1 Honors
- Secondary Math 2 Core
- Secondary Math 2 Honors
- Secondary Math 3 Honors
Tyler Hansen
Business Teacher
- Exploring Computer Science
Chrystina Harich
Math Teacher
- Secondary Math 2
Brett Harris
Special Education Teacher
- English 9-12
- Directed Studies 11/12
- Concepts of Reading 9-12
- Concepts of Geography
- Concepts of World Civilization
- Concepts of US History
- Concepts of US Government
- Concepts of Earth Science
- Concepts of Biology
- Concepts of Physics
AB Harrison
Drama Teacher
- Theatre 1
- Theatre 2
- Theatre 3
- Musical Theatre
- Technical Theatre
- Film Making
- Credit Recovery
Taysha Haws
Math Teacher
- Secondary Math 2 (co-taught)
- Secondary Math 1
John Hernandez
Math Teacher
- Secondary Math 1
- AP Calc AB
Charlee Holtey
Science Teacher
- Biology
- Honors Biology
- AP Biology
- Botany
Chris Horne
Science Teacher
- Comp Swimming
- Chemistry
- AP Chemistry
- Honors Chemistry
- Swim 1
- Swim 2
- Swim 3
- Swim Team
Amanda Hurd
English & Debate Teacher
- Debate 1-5
- Intro to Writing CE
- Expos Writing II CE
- College Prep English
- General Fiction (Poetry)
- English 12 Core
Stephanie Hurzeler
English Teacher
- English 9 Core
- English 12 Core
Erin Jaojoco
World Languages Teacher
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- ELD 9 Level 2
- ELD 11 Level 2
Joni Koncar
English Teacher
- English 11 Honors
- AP English Language
Michele Le Fevre
Special Ed. Teacher
- Secondary Math 1 (co-taught)
- Personal Finance
- Secondary Math 1
Alisha Lee
Cheer Advisor/Dance Teacher
- Cheer
- Dance 2
Melisa Lindholm
World Languages Teacher
- French 1
- French 2
- French 3
- French 4
- French 5
- French 5 DLI
- AP French
- Francophonie
Adam Luckart
Woodworking/Business Teacher
- Woods 1
- Woods 2
- Woods 3
- Woods 1 & 2
Taylor Ly
FACS Teacher
- Sewing Const/Textiles 1
- Sewing Const/Textiles 2
- Food & Nutrition
- Person & Family Finance
- Ind/Fam Relations
Seema Mehta
English & ESL Teacher
- English 10 Core
- ESL 10 Level 1
- ESL 10 Level 2
- Study Skills
- ESL 12 Level 1
- ESL 12 Level 2
- Newcomers
Clay Meryhew
PE Teacher
- Weight Training 1
- Weight Training 2
- Lifetime Activites
- Fitness for Life
Carlos Miranda
Fine Arts Teacher
- Photography 1
- Beginning Drawing 1
- Com Art/Comp Graph
Carrie Mollerup
FACS Teacher
- Child Development
- ECE 1
- ECE 2
- ECE Preschool
Luz Moronta
World Language Teacher
- Spanish 2
- Spanish 3
- Spanish 4
- Spanish 5 DLI
- AP Spanish
- Lit & Film CE (Span3118)
Misty Morrow
Health Sciences Teacher
- Introduction Video
- Medical Terminology
- Medical Terminology CE
- Health CE 1120
- Health Science Cap CE
- Medical Anatomy/Physiology
- Exercise Science/Sports Medicine
Kristin Mortensen
English Teacher
- English 9 Core
- English 10 Core
- Freshman Success
Natalie Nelson
Special Education Teacher
- EE Biology
- EE Earth Science
- EE Math
- EE Reading 9-12
- EE Geography
- EE English 9-12
- EE Life Skills
- EE US Goveerment
Charly Northrup
Drill Team Advisor
- Drill Team
Betsey Odom
Art and Graphics Teacher
- Graphic Print Design 1 & 2
- Graphic Print Design 1
- Graphic Print Design 3
- Beginning Drawing 1
Brian Packer
Science Teacher
- Biology
- Anatomy and Physiology
Aspen Parker
Health Teacher
- Health II
- Freshman Success
Caress Perry
Fine Arts Teacher
- Beginning Painting 1
- Photo 1
- Photo 2
- Photo 3-4
- Credit Recovery
Adriana Perschon
English Teacher
- English 11 Core
- AVID 10
Kassidee Petersen
English and ESL Teacher
- English 10 Core
- English 11 Core
Brenda Roach
Special Ed. Teacher
- EE Math 9-12
- EE Biology
- EE Physical Science
- EE Reading
- EE English 9-12
- EE World Civ
- EE US History
- EE Life Skills 9-12
Jennasee Robison
Math Teacher
- Secondary Math 1
- Secondary Math 1 (co-taught)
- Athletics
- Comp Athletics
- Athletic Director
- Girls Soccer
Tom Rodgers
Stage Crew/TV/Digital Media Arts Teacher
- Stage Crew
- Video Production 1
- Vidoe Production 2
- TV Broadcasting 1 & 2
- Digital Media 1
- Digital Media 2
- Digital Media CE
- Film Making CE
John Rowbotham
PE Teacher & Head Football Coach
- Weight Training 1-4
- Weight Training 1
- Weight Training 2
- Athletics
- Athletic Director
- Comp Athletics
- Football
Laura Rowbotham
Contract Substitute
Karen Saylor
Special Ed. Teacher
- English 10 (co-taught)
- English 11 (co-taught)
- English 12 (co-taught)
Kathryn Scott
English and Journalism Teacher
- English 10 Honors
- Journalism 1 & 2
- Teaching as a Profession
Bo Searle
Science Teacher
- Chemistry
- Physics
Karina Solis Castro
Family CenterRyne Steinacker
English Teacher
- English 9 Honors
- Freshman Success
Renae Suarez
English Teacher
- English 11 Core
- English 12 Core
- English 12 Core (co-taught)
- Publications
Dexter Thayn
Welding Teacher
- Welding Tech Entry
- Welding Tech Intermediate
- Welding Tech Advanced
Teresa Vaughn
Special Ed. Teacher
- Modern Math (co-taught)
- AA Secondary Math 2
- Directed Studies 9/10
- Math Decision Making 11
Aaron Walton
Math Teacher
- Modern Math
- Secondary Math 3 Core
- Secondary Math 3 Honors
Emily Williams
Health Teacher & Student Government Advisor
- Intro to Health Science
- Emergency Medical Response
- Behavioral Science
- Adaptive PE
- Student Government
Taryn Yarrington
Dance Teacher
- Dance 1B Yoga
- Dance 1
- Dance 2
- Dance 3
- Dance 4
- Advanced Dance
Chad Zielinski
Fine Arts Teacher
- Beginning Ceramics 1
- Intermediate Ceramics 2
- Advanced Ceramics 3-4
- AP 3D Studio Art