This Dress Standard was based on community/parent, educator, and student input and the norms
gathered from the data on what our community feels is adequate for a professional school
Kearns High School is a place of learning and a professional place of business. We expect all
members of our high school (ie. students, staff, faculty, patrons, administration) to dress
professionally to maintain an environment conducive to learning and preserve the safety among
all students. Proper dress sets the tone of the school atmosphere as well as its reputation. When
dress or hairstyles become so extreme as to be disruptive to the educational process; appropriate
action will be taken on an individual basis.
Any apparel, jewelry, accessory, manner of dress or grooming which may indicate gang
involvement or that advertises or advocates drug/alcohol use or that has obscene or questionable
printing on it will not be permitted in Granite School District schools. Any clothing that forms an
allegiance and/or encourages criminal, violent, anti-social behavior, or clothing depicting,
through words or visualization, disrespect towards any race, culture, religion, or gender, cannot
be worn at school or any school sponsored activity.
The general dress standard policy will follow the image below:

The Kearns High School Dress Code includes the following:
● Clothing must cover areas from one armpit to the other armpit including front and back.
● Bottoms such as shorts, skirts, and dresses need to cover, at minimum, down to the
● Tops must have shoulder straps. Tank tops will be allowed as long as they follow the
restrictions in the image.
● Tops must be long enough to adequately cover the waistline and not expose the midriff.
● Outer clothing must not reveal underwear or parts of the body normally covered by
● Bottoms, such as pants, shorts, and skirts need to ride at the natural waist so that the
underclothing (e.g. boxers, underwear, gym shorts) are not visible.
● Shoes or sandals must be worn always.
● Official Kearns High School hats and beanies may be worn. All other hats and beanies
are not permitted and may be confiscated.
● Hoods, bandannas, and hairnets are not to be worn in the school and may be confiscated.
● Blankets are not permitted.
School authorities reserve the right to determine interpretation of all dress code items and
reserves the right to modify the dress code as needed to maintain an environment conducive to
learning and preserve the safety among all students.
If students violate the Dress Standards, they will be asked to change into alternative clothing that
follows the Dress Standards, find an article of clothing to cover up or contact a parent to bring
alternative clothing. Habitual violations will lead to further disciplinary actions including
communication with parents.
Again, the Dress Standard is a representation of what the majority of our Kearns community
considers reasonable. We understand that each individual person and family have diverse
opinions on what is and is not acceptable for dress standards in a school setting. We recognize
the consensus of the data results does not represent all various opinions and is a general norm.
Nonetheless, we will expect all students and teachers to follow and enforce the Dress Standard.
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