Hello William Penn Community!
We hope you are doing well, and we look forward to seeing you again! Yesterday you received an email from the school district in regards to Learning Options for the 1st term. The forms are attached at the bottom of this message.
A correction needs to be made on the due date. The forms will be due to Mrs. Higgins or the main office by Friday, August 7th. Our main office will open on Monday, August 3rd from 8:00-4:00. This will allow you to review our William Penn Elementary School Reopening Plan before making your decision. You are also welcome to email the forms to Mrs. Higgins at nthiggins@graniteschools.org.
Students who are in our Dual Immersion program who enroll in Distance Learning will only receive online instruction in English. Students will not lose their place in the Dual Immersion program if they participate in Distance Learning. Spanish instruction will only be available face to face. This is due to the Board of Education’s decision to not require all teachers in the elementary setting to provide both Face to Face instruction and online instruction.
Instead, based upon the number of student who choose online instruction, teachers who are in our building will be chosen to provide online instruction instead of face to face instruction. Because we only have one Dual Immersion teacher per grade level providing face to face instruction, they cannot be selected to provide online learning. We might have two teachers providing online instruction to three grade levels instead of providing face to face instruction. Therefore, you will see changes to class assignments for students for their English partner teacher or teachers providing instruction to students in the Traditional program.
We want you to know no matter which Learning Option you choose for your child, we will continue to strive to provide the highest quality of instruction for your child. We want all students to return to William Penn, and we will address your specific needs as much as possible.
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Higgins at nthiggins@graniteschools.org.