Parents and Students: It is never too early to plan for post-high school education. Follow this link to receive the ACT Financial Aid eBook and learn the ins and outs of obtaining financial aid for college. It includes various sources of financial aid, application links for FAFSA, scholarships, and grants, a cost estimator, and other reliable resources. ...
Important Tech Info for Seniors
Seniors, you'll want to back up any files you would like to keep that you have saved on your M: Drive or GraniteSD Google Drive, before you leave. Also, if you have used your or email address to sign up for accounts or services with any website or app, you need to update those accounts to a personal email address before the end of school or you will lose access to ...
Yearbook Pickup Information
Please make sure you verify that your name is on the yearbook list posted outside room 210. If you want your book early you can attend the stomp during 3rd period on Wednesday. The cost of admission is $3.00. If you do not attend the stomp, you can pick up your books in room 210 on Thursday from 7:00 am until 11:30 am. You must have your ID and have cleared up fees with the bookkeeper or ...
Community Job Fair on Thursday, May 25
Looking for a job or know anyone who needs employment? The Career Center will be hosting a Community Job Fair in the Kearns High Cafeteria on Thursday, May 25th from 5pm to 7 pm. Parents, community members, students 16 and older are welcome to come. We have many employers coming from many different industries, so there should be a perfect fit for everyone! ...
School Community Council Elections
School Community Councils are elected parent/guardian and employee representatives who work together with the Principal to increase student achievement. By law, the Council is responsible to review school data and develop plans for school improvement. Councils also allocate the LAND Trust funds to assist the school in reaching achievement goals. Please see the Granite District web page for more ...
2017 Yearbook Ordering and Pickup
Students, there are a limited number of yearbooks left for sale. Don't miss out - order yours today at for $45 before they are all gone. Join us for the yearbook stomp during 3rd period on Wednesday, May 24th if you want to get your book a day early. There will be shorter pickup lines, music, concessions, friends and fun all for only $3. If you choose to wait, you can pick your ...
Help Kearns High win $1000!
Like this post on Instagram to help Kearns High win an extra $1000 in SITLA funding. The contest ends April 28. Kearns High students were able to participate in some common science labs thanks to School LAND Trust Funds which were used to purchase class sets of Chromebooks and lab equipment for our core science classes. #SITLAfunds17 A post shared by Kearns High Library (@kearnshighlmc) on ...
AP Testing at Kearns High
AP exams will be administered Monday, May 1st through Friday, May 12th. Please see the attached AP Exam Schedule for test dates and times. Students testing in the morning should arrive no later than 7:30am for preadministration. Students testing in the afternoon should arrive no later than 11:30am for preadministration. Best of luck to our AP test takers this year! AP Exam Schedule ...
2017-2018 Class Officer Elections
Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors: Please vote for your Class Officers for next year! Click here to access the ballot. You must be logged in to your granitesd account to vote. The ballot will close Wednesday, April 26 at the end of the school day. ...
Dance Company Spring Concert
Dance Company presents their Spring Concert, "Life Takes us to Unexpected Places" this Thursday and Friday, April 20-21, at 7:00 pm in the Kearns High Auditorium. Tickets are $3 in advance - see a Dance Company member or go to the bookkeeper before the show - or $5 at the door. ...