Positions are now available on the Kearns High School Yearbook Staff! Please see Mrs. Duran in room 210 for an application. Photography and Graphics experience preferred. Kearnada Application ...
Winter Break
We would like to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and a very restful Winter Break. We look forward to seeing all students again when school resumes on Tuesday, January 3. ...
Winterfest Concert
Hey Cougars! On Monday, December 19th at 7pm, your choir, band and orchestra are having their annual Winterfest concert! It will be hosted in the auditorium at Kearns High. Invite your friends and family to come along as well. It would be a great support to these programs if everyone could come and support. ...
Poetry in Motion Dance Concert/Poetry Competition
Kearns High School dance students have been working so hard for the upcoming showcase on December 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. In a search for interdisciplinary ways for our students to further explore and create dances and are pleased to introduce “Poetry in Motion”, a night of works choreographed by our dance students, fully influenced by poetry. Our students will be decorating the dance hallway and ...
PTA Reflections Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of our PTA Reflections contest: Chandler Paskett in the category of Literature, Destiny Velasquez in the category of Literature, and Ann Seipert in the category of 2D Visual Arts. ...
ACT Prep Workshop
Need help prepping for the Dec. 10th ACT? Attend one of the ACT Prep Workshops to receive tips and resources on what to do before, during, and after the test. Workshops will be on Dec. 6th & 8th from 2:15-3:00 pm in room 239. For more info contact Mrs.Herrera by the counseling center. December ACT Prep Poster ...
Course Selection Postponed
Dear Parents/Guardians, You recently received a postcard with information regarding our course selection dates for the 2017-18 school year. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will need to postpone these dates until further notice. Please disregard the course selection dates listed on the postcard. We will notify you of our new course selection dates at a later date. We apologize for the ...
Statement from Kearns High Administration Regarding Student Walkout on Friday, November 11
Dear Kearns High Parents- Today, during 3rd period, approximately 120 of our students joined with students from Hunter High School & Taylorsville High School in a walkout in protest over this week’s national election. The walkout started with 200+ students from Hunter walking to Kearns. Upon reaching Kearns, these students continued their walk to Taylorsville High. Approximately 500 ...
FAFSA Completion Night
A lot of our students have the desire to attend college but aren’t sure how to pay for it. Fortunately, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) gives many of our students the opportunity to receive funds to attend college. These funds can come in the form of grants, work study and student loans. As counselors, one common phrase we hear from students is “my parents make too much ...
9th Grade College & Career Readiness Meetings
9th Grade College & Career Readiness Meetings: The Kearns High Counseling Center invites 9th grade parents and their students to schedule an individual college & career readiness meeting with their school counselor. The online scheduler will be open from October 31st-November 16th. Appointments will be held November 28th-December 21st. Please visit https://goo.gl/sxFQyg to access the ...