Hello everyone! Even though it was a short week, I still have plenty of updates for you, so I'll just jump right into it. Celebrations Some of you saw the great news on social media, but I wanted to share it again. Mrs. Nykamp won the EXCEL teaching award that is given out by the Granite Education Foundation. She is one of nine teachers to win this award this year and we're so happy to celebrate her! I have attached a picture ...
January 13th Update
Hello Everyone, We're now into our second week of the third quarter. Report cards for the second quarter went home on Friday, January 10th. One common question we get asked is why students have such a low "Dependability" score for the Graduate of Granite standards. This is a score that we do not choose. Our online student system where we keep grades and attendance, called FOCUS, automatically enters a dependability score for all students ...
November 21st Email Update
Hello Everyone! I'm not sure where November came from, but we're already almost through it! 🤪 Attendance We had the 4th highest attendance in Granite School District during the month of October. Way to go Upland! I have attached a November attendance newsletter that has some tips and tricks for helping with student attendance. As we enter into the holiday season, we hope to have our students here as much as ...
Back-to-School Info
Hello Everyone! Here is some important information to get you and your students ready for the school year. Back-to-School Night Back-to-School Night is coming! This will be held on Monday, August 12th from 4:00-6:00. It is an open house format, so come anytime during that time frame. Doors will not open until 4:00 so that teachers can have as much work time as possible on that day. Please note that some teachers ...
It’s Registration Time
Hello Everyone! We hope you have been having a wonderful summer! The start of school is just around the corner, so we wanted to send out some important updates. Registration is online this year. This will open on July 29th. Please login to your FOCUS parent portal to complete this process. *Please note that if your student attended Upland Terrace last year, they are already enrolled and placed in a class. Registration is your last ...
Final Updates From Upland for the 23/24 school Year
Hello everyone! Happy Thursday! This is our last Update from Upland for the school year! Goodbye from Mrs. Reed Dear Upland Family – This goodbye is so bittersweet! While I am feeling great joy, excitement, and relief about retiring, it is hard to leave the Upland community - and hard to believe this will be my last last day of school. I have seen this school through a big office remodel, reconfiguration, windstorms, ...
Updates from Upland January 19
Hello everyone! Here is the latest news and information from Upland Terrace. Graduate of Granite – Respect We have amazing students here at Upland Terrace! During the month of November, we focused on the Graduate of Granite trait of Respect. The students who did an excellent job of demonstrating this trait have earned an award. Please see the list of names attached. To listen to what respect means to our winners, ...
Updates from Upland December 13, 2023
Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! Here is the latest news and information from Upland Terrace. Resilience Award Winners During the month of October, students were nominated for demonstrating the Graduate of Granite characteristic of Resilience. Please see the list of these amazing students attached. Click this link to hear from our award winners about what resilience means to them! ...
Updates from Upland December 6, 2023
Hello everyone! Happy sunny Wednesday! Here is the latest news and information from Upland Terrace. Lost and Found Our Lost and Found is once again overflowing! If your child has lost something, please know our Lost and Found is now located just inside the front doors. Battle of the Books For K-3rd students participating in Battle of the Books, Jr, please send reading logs to school next Monday, Dec. 11. Parent ...
Updates from Upland October 10, 2023
Hello everyone! It was great to see all who attended Dads and Doughnuts this morning! What a beautiful morning for doughnuts and hot cocoa. Thank you to our PTA for organizing this event! Just a reminder – tomorrow is a planning day, and there is no school for students Thursday, Friday, and Monday for Fall Break. End of Term/Report Cards Tomorrow is the end of our first term of the year. Wow – that was fast! ...