Everyone is welcome! Eat your hot or cold lunch in the library and talk about the Battle of the Books. Where: Once a week in the library When: Starting the week of January 13th 5th grade - Tuesdays at lunch (12:30) 4th grade - Wednesdays at Lunch (12:15) 3rd grade - Thursdays at Lunch (12:00) Who: 3rd-5th graders who like books or want to like books more! Everyone who wants to be on a team! ...
Week of 1/13
Week of 1/6
Winter Break
Weather School: Upland Terrace
Week of 12/16
Week of 12/9
Week of 12/2
Battle of the Books and Battle of the Books Jr.
Check out information on Battle of the Books and Battle of the Books Jr. under the Library Happenings page. The December monthly summary form has been added for students that are participating. ...