The staff of Salt Lake Valley Detention Center recently honored Cathleen, the new ESL and Humanities teacher at DT. Though new to DT, Cathleen is a seasoned teacher that joined YESS a few years ago coming from the Young Parents Program. Her classroom and teaching style is rich and inviting and the students are […]
A Heart-Rendering Experience at the Detention Center
Cows eyes dissections, plates of anti-oxidants (a potpourri of fruit), virtual learning online, and so many other experiences describe how Cindy, Health teacher at the Detention Center, endeavors to bring learning to life for her students.
Experiencing Astronomy Firsthand, well…FirstEYE
Students and teachers throughout the nation recently had the opportunity to experience a near-total eclipse, and YESS was able to participate in the event, too. Throughout YESS students and teachers were stylin’ with the latest eclipse eye-wear. How awesome to experience both a scientific and historical event!
An enTIRE New Direction
Cindy, one of our Detention Center teachers, was in a tire store over the weekend. The individual assisting her recognized her, but couldn’t place her. After a 20 questions-like conversation, he finally made the connection that he had been in YESS. He is now a high school graduate and has a successful job as customer service representative. […]
From YESS to Top Salesman
A recent student that transitioned out of YESS and a new hire selling shoes, earned the top salesman award in the store. A high-five to that individual!
Students have SWAG
YESS math teacher at the Detention Center, Toni, uses a SWAG Award (Students Working to Achieve Greatness) to acknowledge student achievement during class time.
Graduation 2017, YESS Style
The graduation march played out at Girls Transition Center, Genesis, and Wasatch and Decker Lake Youth Centers the last week of school in May. There were 8 graduates from Decker, 2 from Wasatch, and one each from Girls Transition Center and Genesis. Congratulations to these hard working graduates and best wishes for the opportunities ahead!
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