Katrina Brighton
College and Career Awareness, FACS Sewing and Teen Living
Teen Living/Lifeskills/CTEWork Email:
- Degrees:
- Bachelor of Science Utah State University
- Master of Science Utah State University
- Jefferson since: 2001
- Mrs. Brighton has been a FACS and Business teacher for many years and has also had the opportunity to have her own children as students at Jefferson, which has given her great insight into the perspective of students and parents that has helped her in her career.
- Favorite Food: Fruit
- Hobbies: Sewing and Reading
- Favorite Quote: "The best antidepressant is a sewing machine and a room full of fabric"
Blake Collier
CCA, CTE Digital Literacy
Work Email:
Adam Erickson
College and Career Awareness, Digital Literacy
Work Email:
- Degrees:
- Masters of Business Administration - University of Phoenix, 2002
- Bachelor of Science in Economics - University of Utah,1994
- Jefferson since: 2018
- Favorite Food: Buffalo Wings, Fish & Chips and Veal Saltimbocca
- Hobbies: Fishing, Sailing and exploring
- Favorite Quotes:"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." —Malcolm X "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." —Albert Einstein