Amy Arias
English, Study Skills, Supervised Studies
Self-ContainedWork Email:
- Associates degree in History from Ricks College in 1993
- Bachelor’s degree in History and Special Education from Utah State University in 1996
- Educator since: 1996
- Jefferson since: 1996
- Mrs. Arias teaches English Language Arts with a specialty helping students with more needed services in academic learning or in emotional disabilities. Mrs. Arias has special proficiency in helping students make more than one year gain in language arts.
Elsa Cavazos
Special Education
Work Email:
- Degrees:
- Special Education Mild/Moderate - U of U
- Educator since: 2021
- Jefferson since: 2021
Melissa Grover
Work Email:
Kayla Hansen
Work Email:
- Education
- Utah State University
- University of Norther Colorado
- Favorite Food: Chinese
- Hobbies: Music and Reading
- Favorite Quote: "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes yet." - Anne of Green Gables
- Ms. Hansen enjoys being in nature, music (piano, singing, guitar, etc.), reading, cross-stitching and spending time with my family.
Brittany Holloway
Special Education Aide
Work Email:
Tiffany Martinez
Special Education Aide
Work Email:
Kiersten Smith
Work Email:
- Education:
- BYU Special Education degree
- University of Phoenix Elementary Education degree
- Weber State University ESL Endorsement
- Jefferson Since: 2019
- Favorite Food: Chicken and Waffles
- Hobbies: Thrift shopping, reading and playing with granddaughter
- Favorite Quote: "Knowing our happiness triggers can be just as important as knowing our anger triggers."
Tammy Swadish
Special Education Aide
Work Email:
June Wilson-Wright
English 7-8 Special Education
Work Email:
- Education:
- Bachelor of Education – 1995 from University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Master of Education – 1999 from University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Jefferson since: 2005
- Favorite Food: Polynesian food, Italian food and open to any food item.
- Hobbies: Volleyball, reading and anything in the great outdoors
- Favorite Quote: "We will get through this."