Click on link to schedule time with your student's teacher: ...
Week of May 1st Memo
Check out the upcoming events on this week's memo (PDF) ...
Summer Learning Path
Granite School District has partnered with to give your family access to Waterford Upstart Summer Learning Path over the summer. Summer Learning Path gives children in K-3 a boost in reading, math, and science. The program is proven to accelerate student learning. Read more and sign up in the Summer Learning Path Flyer (PDF) ...
Week of Apirl 24th Memo
Check out what is going on at Rolling Meadows this week in the weekly memo (PDF) ...
Reunification Drill Today- April 12th
Dear Rolling Meadows Elementary Parents and Families, The Granite School District would like to remind you that the Reunification Drill for students and families at Rolling Meadows Elementary will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, April 12, 2023. Reunification is the process by which parents/guardians pick up their students from the school or a designated evacuation site due to an emergency situation preventing normal dismissal. This drill ...
Week of April 10th Memo
Check out the latest weekly memo (PDF) ...
Reunification Drill – April 12th
Reunification is the process by which parents/guardians pick up their students from the school or a designated evacuation site due to an emergency situation preventing normal dismissal. This drill will help our school, Granite School Dtstrict, and first responders evaluate the reunification process and make improvements if necessary. Read more about it in the Reunification Drill Notice (PDF) ...
Rolling Meadows Weekly Memo- 3/24
See what's coming up at Rolling Meadows in the Weekly Memo (PDF) ...
Week of March 20th Memo
Check out the upcoming week's events in the weekly memo ...