March 3, 2014
Dear Parents,
Thank you, thank you, for your willingness to be a volunteer in our schools. Parents and community are a vital part of our education process. YOU do make a difference. Without you, we cannot be as effective in educating our students. Again—thank you so much!
Opportunities for Volunteers:
- Reading to students/Listening to student read
- Tutoring specific academic skills
- Helping in classrooms
- Working as a school crossing guard
- Shelving books
- Helping with special events
- Recess duty
- Before/after school duty
We appreciate your confidentiality. As you work with specific students, please remember that the student’s academic process or social growth are confidential and not items for general discussion.
Background Check and Finger Printing:
The law states that volunteers who have “significant unsupervised access to students” must receive a background check. Volunteers at Elk Run will be supervised by the teacher or the administration and will not have “significant unsupervised access to students”. This would preclude the requirement for a background check and would further ensure the safety of students.
When dealing with certain activities, it does become problematic to provide that supervision. As such, in RARE and LIMITED circumstances, a background check is needed, when that supervision cannot be provided. In this case, you will need to complete the form, “Request for Background Check for a Volunteer” with an administrator signature, bring to Human resources Department at Granite School District (2500 South State Street), be fingerprinted, and pay $45.00 exact cash. This background check is valid for five years. Please know how grateful we are, if you are willing to pay the fee for the required background check. We appreciate your patience while we continue to provide a safe environment for our students.
Thank you so much for volunteering. By volunteering in any capacity, we can improve the life of a child.
Mr. Adams, Principal
Elk Run Elementary School