Important Dates
2/29 – Parent University
- We will be providing a “Chat and Chew” opportunity for parents to come and meet with admin to talk about school related information. We will have a question-and-answer type of format.
- Please join us at 6:oo pm so we can discuss important topics that impact your student success.
- We will have light refreshments for those that attend and a raffle for some Granite Park swag.
3/14 – This is the last day of our 3rd quarter. This is only 3 weeks away!
3/15 – No school
3/18 – start of 4th quarter.
How to contact your student’s teachers
Parents often ask how they can contact teachers to discuss their student’s progress. We have a few suggestions to help answer this question:
- Parents can call the school to set up an appointment with a teacher. Our teachers are available to meet before school, after school and during their prep period. Our phone is 385-646-5174.
- Parents can access their student’s schedule using the FOCUS app and/or by setting up a parent portal. This will allow parents to see student grades and teacher contact info.
- Parents can access our school website and click names of teachers. This will provide you with contact information for each teacher to either call or email teachers.
Please do not hesitate to contract your student’s teachers. They are here to help.
Student Truancy
We have seen an increase in the number of students leaving our school campus during the day. We want our students to be safe and leaving school grounds is not a safe practice for students. If students are found to have left school during the day, they will face school consequences which include an after-school detention and a truancy citation of $5.
We also have several positive reinforcements built into our school to help incentive students to come to school each day. For example, at the end of this term, we will be having a student activity and reward for students that have less than 2 tardies and zero periods missed because of sluffing (leaving school).
Granger High School Cheer Tryouts
Granger High School will be having a Cheer Clinic to help prepare students to for Cheer Tryouts for next year. Please see the flyer provided for more information:
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