The Parent Center is in Room #213 located on the second floor of Granite Park Junior High School.
El Centro de Padres está en el salón #213 ubicado en el segundo piso de Granite Park Junior High School.
Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-3:00pm
Friday, 8:00 am-11:00 am – on Canvas
Canvas Sign-On: Use your student Canvas sign-in
Parent Center offers information about English classes, Spanish class, keyboarding skills, health-related information, food banks, resume writing, job skills, helping your student and, career and training information. Modules are organized by topics, click on any Module of your interest:
- Module 0: Orientation
- Module 1: Fear About Getting Sick
- Module 2: Laid Off From Your Job for Awhile
- Module 3: Finding Free Clinics and Doctors
- Module 4: Knowing Where to Get Free Food
- Module 5: Schedule Your TV and Media Time
- Module 6: History & Gov. for U.S Citizenship Test
- Module 7: Classes : English & Spanish language & keyboard classes
- Module 10: Creating a Professional Resume
- Module 11: Employability Skills
- Module 12: Goal Setting
- Module 13: Planning for Your Career
- Module 14: Post-Secondary Training
- Module 15: On The Job Success
- Module 20: Helping Your Child with Future Planning
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