The focus of Title I schools is to help students achieve proficiency on core standards, closing academic gaps that may exist. These efforts include providing targeted supports to at-risk students, building teachers' capacity through professional development, and strengthening parents' abilities in helping their children succeed.
An Introduction to Title I
- Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
- For other annual Title I parent information, Granite School District's parent engagement policy, a summary of Granite School District's Annual Title I Parent Meeting, and other information, please visit the Granite School District Title I website.
Parent Compact, Policy & Rights to Know
Other School Information
Parent-School Learning Compact
Granite Park School-Parent Compact
2024-2025 School Year
The compact outlines shared responsibilities for high student academic achievement and is developed jointly with parents, teachers, administrators, and if appropriate, students.
Granite Park Jr. High
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:
- Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment annually and develop school related improvement goals based on the based acquired.
- Use multiple sources of information in determining strengths and needs of the school including survey data, assessment scores, behavioral monitoring, and staff feedback.
- From the needs assessment, establish school goals and individual student achievement standards.
- Ensure that high quality on-going professional development activities are available to staff and these activities increase teacher capacity in making instructional decisions.
- Ensure that educational services are provided by highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals.
- Promote classroom/school expectations by implementing PBIS system and review rules and policies with students frequently while reinforcing positive behaviors.
Regular, two-way communication between family members and school staff:
- Hold annual Title 1 meeting during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
- Hold monthly Community Council and PTSA meetings.
- Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Teachers will update student assessments at least weekly to ensure parents, students and teachers have accurate proficiency data.
- Granite Park Jr. will take accurate attendance data every period, every day.
- Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows: PT conference, via email, scheduled appointment, before or after school.
- Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in decision-making.
We, as parents of students at Granite Park Jr., will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
- Ensure that our children attend school regularly.
- Monitor homework assignments on a daily basis by reviewing student’s planner.
- Read with/require your student to read at least 20 minutes daily.
- Participate in school decisions as they relate to our child’s education by serving, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups. This can be done by joining school community council, PTSA, and/or completing stakeholder input surveys.
- Monitor our child’s screen time.
- Ensure that your student get proper rest.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences.
- Return school communication in a timely manner.
- Monitor your student’s academic progress and attendance on a weekly basis.
- Contribute to a safe school environment within and around the school. (office check in, student loading zone, etc.)
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Parent Engagement Policy
Granite Park Jr. Parent Engagement Policy
2024-2025 School Year
Granite Park is a diverse school with many students that have individual academic and social-emotional needs. The success of our students is a collective effort between the school and parents. Parental involvement is vital to the success of students achieving academic growth and overall success. At Granite Park we strongly encourage parents/guardians to participate as school volunteers, in PTA and the Community Council.
- It is the intent that our communication with parents, such as materials or flyers, will be written in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that is understandable.
- A school-parent compact has been developed by the Granite Park Jr. High Community Council, PTA, and staff. A copy is available by contacting the office staff or by visiting our school website. The purpose of the compact is to increase each child’s academic achievement.
- Granite Park values parent feedback. Towards the end of the school year, a survey will be sent to stakeholders, so we gather input relating to successes, concerns, and areas for growth.
- Each parent or guardian is highly encouraged to work directly with the teacher of the child to resolve any concerns. If concerns continue, we encourage patrons to contact school administration so we can work together to resolve the issue.
Granite Park aims to keep parents and guardians informed relating to school, district and state information which include topics such as assessments, standards, policies, decisions, school activities and events.
Communication between our school and parents/guardians include the following forms:
- Weekly School Newsletter (emailed and posted on social media)
- Personal phone calls and meetings
- Up to date school website
- Parent Teacher Conferences (translators when needed)
- Sending home information from the school and/or District Office
- School and District Email messages, Blackboard communication, social media:
- Facebook page
- TikTok
Our school will continue to develop parent engagement activities and training that will be offered to parents to help them develop their capacity so they can work with their children to improve achievement, such as literacy and numeracy.
- Family Nights which support academics at home
- Parent Center classes and trainings
- Individualized help as requested or needed.
Our school maintains an active parent center that offers patrons community resources designed to help families access resources designed to help with school success. In addition, our parent center offers parents help with tutoring, before school programs or activities, parent information and resource centers, parenting classes or any other program that might be beneficial.
Communication between the school and families is a key factor in helping students be successful. Parents and staff will work together to communicate with each other concerns and successes. This approach will help all stakeholders see the value parental involvement adds to the success of the child’s school related growth and the success of the school.
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Parents' Right to Know
Parents\' Right to Know (opens the District\'s Title 1 website)
If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact Chris Griffiths, Principal,
at 385-646- 5174
School Annual Title I Meeting
Parent input is valued. Each year, a parent meeting is held where our school solicits input in the planning and implementation of school parent engagement activities.
- Date: September 24th, 2024
- Time: 3:30 pm
During this scheduled meeting the following topics were discussed:
- Granite Park presented information relating to Title 1 purpose and what factors factor into our school\'s Title 1 status.
- Granite Park\'s, Continual Improvement Plan was presented and information was provided relating to how our school using Title 1 funds to help reduce the achievement gap.
- A copy of our C.I.P. can be found on the community tab under Community Council for those that would like to view the plan.
- Data relating to Granite Park was discussed to show areas of need for improvement.
- Parent Engagement Policy was discussed.
- School Parent Compact was discussed.
If you have any questions about our school and Title 1 funding, please contact Principal, Chris Griffiths.
Back to IndexSchool Title I Goals
Each year, our school conducts a needs assessment, reviews student performance data, and solicits input from various stakeholders in order to develop a meaningful Title I Plan. This plan is data-driven, evidence-based, and responsive to findings from data reviews, needs assessment findings, and stakeholder input. The school comprehensive Title I plan articulates how evidence-based strategies, action steps and milestones will support the goals listed below.
Goal One
Goal #1 – Academic Learning Goal
Compared to 2023 RISE results, each tested subject will see a 5% increase in the number of students who achieve proficiency on the 2024 RISE assessment.
Goal Two
Goal #2 – Social Skills and Disposition Goal
By the end of the 2024-25 school year, the percentage of students who report that they believe they can succeed in achieving academic outcomes will increase by 10% when compared to 23-24 Panorama data.
Goal Three
Goal #3 - Talent Development Goal
For the professional learning opportunities throughout the year, 75% of staff will report that the training was worthwhile and helped them improve their instructional practices.
Back to IndexSanctioned Status
Granite Park Jr. High School
3031 S. 200 E. Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We are writing to let you know that Granite Park Jr. High School has been designated as a Title I Comprehensive Support and Improvement school. This designation means that the school is among the lowest-performing five percent of Utah’s Title I schools in academic performance and growth.
The program improvement designation provides an opportunity for principals, teachers, and parents to focus on areas of school improvement. The Granite School District and the Utah State Board of Education are working with our school to improve teaching and learning, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics by providing technical assistance and professional development opportunities to the teachers and administrators within our school.
Granite Park Junior High School is working to improve its academic program by undergoing a rigorous school improvement effort led by a school system of support team. We are working to provide all students with quality Tier 1 instruction, continue to focus on professional learning opportunities for teachers aligned with instruction, implementation of department and school PLCs, and providing more frequent interventions and extensions. Our school will also continue to focus on developing a positive culture at our school that emphasizes positive relationships and student growth. However, parent support is essential to the success of the school improvement efforts.
Parents can effectively assist student achievement improvement in the following ways:
- Communicating frequently with your student’s teachers
- Making sure your student attends school regularly
- Helping your student with homework
- Monitoring your student’s screen time
- Reading aloud to your student
- Volunteering in the classroom
- Participating in school decision-making
We want to request your help as the school addresses its academic needs and will invite parents to serve on the committee that will develop a school improvement plan.
Benjamin Horsley., Superintendent
Aaron R. Wilson, Ed.D., Title I Director
Chris Griffiths, Principal
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