Granite Park families, here is some important information to review as we start the new year.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the school with questions or concerns so we can help.
Tardy Policy
We want to take this opportunity to remind all parents about our tardy policy. Students are
expected to be on time to class. This helps ensure students maximize their learning time and reduce
distractions to other students. Granite Park will follow the policy provided when dealing with
- 1st Tardy is a warning
- 2nd Tardy- student will serve a lunch detention
- 3rd Tardy – student will have 1 hour of after school study hall
- 4th Tardy – student will have 2 hours of after school study hall
- 5th tardy – student will be “overnight suspended”. Before the student can return to school,
the parent, student, and administration will meet to create an attendance contract.
Planners/Binders/ID Cards
All students at Granite Park have received a planner, a binder and their ID card which will serve as
their bus pass (for those eligible), their school ID, and their PBIS reward card that keeps track of
their Grizz Bucks student earn for positive behavior.
This is a reminder that these items are required to be brought to school everyday so students can
maximize their learning time. If students do not bring their binder or planner, they will be given
replacement materials the first time they forget these items. After the first time, students will be
required to contact parents who will need to bring these items to school. Please work with your
students to set up a system at home to ensure that they do not forget these items as they are
important tools for learning.
Every period, every day students are required to write an essential question (learning target) and
homework assignment in their planners. This is a great for parents to check and see what students
are learning each day in their classes and if they have homework. Please make a habit of checking
you student’s planner each night.
Important Dates to Remember
- Labor Day is September 2nd and there will be no school on this day
- School Picture Day will be on September 18th.
- Parent Teacher Conferences will be on September 17th and 18th from 4:00 – 7:00 pm.
- We will have a teacher comp day on September 20th and there will not be any school.