Good school attendance results in increased student achievement. Regular and prompt attendance is expected in every class. Excessive absences an/or tardiness can affect student learning. There are six types of absences:
- R = School excused absence. The student has been released for a school activity. These absences do not impact citizenship grades.
- A = Unexcused absence. The student has missed one or more classes, and the absence has not been excused. If a pattern of poor attendance develops, parents will be notified by phone or letter. If the attendance problem persists, administration may request a parent/student conference.
- U = Sluff/Skipped. The student has skipped class. A sluff cannot be changed on the attendance record and is considered an unexcused absence and will affect citizenship grades accordingly.
- E = Excused absence. The student has been absent, and the absence has been excused by the parent/guardian with a note or phone call to the school. On the seventh cumulative day of absence, a doctor’s note may be required for subsequent absences.
- M = Medical excuse. If an excused absence is due to medial reasons, parents/guardians can provide a doctor’s note and the absence will be recorded as a medical excuse.
- S = Suspension. The student has been suspended from school.
**Procedure for excusing absences: Parents should call the Counseling Center (385-646-5225) to report student absences. Absences not reported by 12:00 p.m. may still receive a phone call from the Granite District Attendance Line. Students can also bring a note from their parent/guardian to the Counseling Center to excuse an absence. Absences need to be excused within one week of the absence to change the attendance code from A to E.
Students are expected to sit wither assigned class during assemblies. Students are to behave in accordance with PBIS Behavior Matrix for the auditorium. The electronic device policy is in place during assemblies. At the end of assemblies, students should remain seated until they are dismissed.
The following competitive sports are available at Olympus Jr. High. If you have any questions please call the front office, and the front office will connect you with the coach.
Sport | Term |
Boys & Girls Cross Country | 1st Term |
Boys & Girls Soccer | 1st Term |
Boys & Girls Basketball | 2nd Term |
Sport | Term |
Boys & Girls Volleyball | 3rd Term |
Wrestling (Co-ed) | 3rd Term |
Boys & Girls Track | 4th Term |
*In order to participate on an athletic team, the team member must maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) during the sport season. Team members falling below the 2.0 GPA will be placed on probation and will be prevented from participating in games or events as decided by the coach and the administration.
Attendance/Truancy Policy
The mission of the Granite School District is to prepare every student with the knowledge and skills needed for lifelong success in a changing world. Students who are excessively absent from school are not able to accomplish their educational goals.
Olympus Jr. High School is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus during school hours without a street pass and parental or guardian retrieval of the student from school.
According to the Utah State Compulsory Attendance Laws (Utah Code 53A-11-101 et seq.), parents and students are responsible for regular school attendance. Occasionally a student must be absent from school for reasons such as illness, medical appointments, or family emergencies. Please send a not to the school following an absence explaining the reason for your child’s absence.
Granite School District Attendance procedures are as follows:
- A parent/guardian may excuse up to seven days of absences within a school year. Subsequent absences are considered excessive and may require a doctor’s note to excuse.
- After five or more days of unexcused absences within a school year, the school will mail the family a Truancy Letter asking for help with their student’s attendance and warning of consequences for further truancy.
- After 10 days (or equivalent class periods) of unexcused absences within a school year, the school will mail the family a Habitual Truancy Notice. This notice requires the student and parent/guardian to appear at a pre-court hearing (students under 14 years old) or truancy mediation meeting (students 14 and older).
- Additionally, Granite School District can make a referral to the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) for educational neglect if a student is absent, without good cause, for mor than 10 consecutive school days or more than 1/16 of the school period in accordance with Utah Code 78A-6-319.
Students will be allowed, and are encouraged, to carry their backpacks with them while at school. Students will be assigned lockers; however, with a four-minute passing time, OJHS is encouraging students to maximize their time by carrying their backpacks.
Bicycles and scooters should be locked in the bicycle rack during the school day. The bike rack is located by the East entrance doors. Skateboards should be locked in the skateboard rack under the center stairs on the first floor. These items are great for transportation to and from school, but they are not to be used during the school day. Skateboards are to be used for transportation only; no tricks or riding on school grounds are allowed.
Any textbooks, novels, or library books a student checks out from the school will be barcoded. At the end of the use of the book students will return their books to the library. The barcode will be used to check the book in and out to a specific student, and students are responsible for returning the same book they checked out. Fines will be assessed for lost or damaged books. Keep in mind that textbooks are extremely expensive to replace. Students are responsible for the books checked out to them. Books must have the barcode on them when they are returned to the library. Do not loan out books you check out from the library, and do not leave them lying around where they will get lost.
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, Hazing, and Other Similar Conduct
Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, hazing, and other similar offensive conduct is prohibited at school. Generally, this type of conduct includes an intent to cause distress or harm; involves a relationship with an imbalance of power; and includes repeated acts (or one serious act) of violence, intimidation, humiliation, or social isolation. Offending conduct can be physical, verbal, or written and may come in the form of social pressure, criticism, disrespectful behavior, or excluding others from an activity intentionally. Conduct may be intended as retaliation toward another person, which is also prohibited. Offending conduct may be obvious or subtle and it can include enlisting another person to commit the prohibited actions. Offending conduct can also be considered discrimination if the conduct is based on a person’s race, gender, or some other protected classification.
Reporting and Correcting Offending Conduct
If you are treated in the ways described above, or you see another person being treated that way, please report the conduct as soon as possible. There are numerous ways to make a report:
- Talk to an administrator, teacher, or other adult in the building
- Leave a written message in the office
- Call or text the District Safety Hotline- Phone (801)481-7199; Text (801)664-2929
- Use the SafeUT App on you or your parent’s phone– this is the best way to report an incident(s)
- Report to the district by calling the School Accountability Department at (385)646-4510
Administrators will investigate all reports, make corrections, and work to prevent further misconduct. School officials shall notify parents of incidents involving bullying, cyberbullying, hazing, retaliation, harassment, discrimination, or other similar conduct. Based on the severity of the conduct, students may receive discipline including parent/guardian conferences, suspension, referral to law enforcement, or placement outside the school. This policy covers conduct occurring at school and conduct outside of school if it impacts the school environment.
** False reports or allegations are prohibited and may also result in discipline.
For more information about these subjects, you can contact the District Compliance Office at (385)646-4009.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed at Olympus Jr. High. Cell phones and electronic devices cannot be out/visible from 7:45am-2:45pm. This includes the time between classes and during lunch. During the school day, cell phones should be turned off and kept in the student’s backpack. If a student needs to call their parent/guardian during the school day, they can use the phone in the Counseling Center. Teachers will not ask students to use cell phones or other personal electronic devices in classes as students will have access to Chromebooks.
The consequences for having a cell phone or electronic device are tiered:
- 1st Violation results in confiscation and item being taken to the main office where the secretary will log the violation. Student can pick up the item from the office at the end of the school day. Student will be reminded of school rule.
- 2nd Violation results in confiscation and item being taken to the main office where the secretary will log the violation. Secretary will call home to notify parent of the second violation. Student can pick up the item from the office at the end of the school day. Student will be reminded of school rule.
- 3rd Violation results in confiscation and item being taken to the main office where the secretary will log the violation. Secretary will call home to notify parent of the third violation and to notify parent that they will have to pick the phone up from the office. Student will not be allowed to pick the item up from the office; it will require parent pick-up.
- Additional violations above the 3rd may involve additional consequences at the discretion of the administration.
Olympus Jr. High and Granite School District are not responsible for the loss of or damage to any electronic device. School personnel will not investigate lost or stolen devices.
The Granite Board of Education has stated: they “recognize that electronic communication devices such as cell phones and beepers are commonly used by parents and their children to communicate with each other. These same devices also have the potential of disrupting the orderly operation of the school. The Board of Education directs each school to establish rules allowing the possession of communication devices and regulating their use in accordance with the following direction.
- School rules may prohibit the use of communication devices during instructional time regardless of whether the use is to send or receive messages.
- School rules may be established that indicate that communication devices that are used in violation of school rules will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken for such violation. Rules regarding confiscation may include the requirement for a parent meeting prior to the return of the device.
- Parents and students shall receive written notice of school rules regarding communication devices.
- The notice of rules shall include a statement that the school and district accept no responsibility for the loss of or damage to any communication device.
Change of Information
It is important that the school have accurate addresses, phone numbers, and email address for parents/guardians. If these information items change, please notify the Counseling Center at (385)646-5225 so we can make changes in our system. Accurate contact information is vital in case of accident or emergency.
Citizenship Policy—College, Career, & Life Readiness Standards (CCLR)
Olympus Jr. High will be participating in the Granite School District’s new citizenship standards. The new standards are called College, Career, & Life Readiness Standards (CCLR). These standards will assess the students Work Ethic & Resilience, Communication, Respect, Responsibility, and Dependability. Students will receive a 4-1 score, with 4 being highly proficient. A rubric with the standards the teachers will be using is provided on the back flap of the student handbook.
Citizenship Policy for Graduation (GSD)
Citizenship Requirements for Graduation can be found in the Granite School District Information for Junior & Senior High Students. This information can also be found on-line or you may obtain a copy from the Counseling office.
Closed Campus
Students are not permitted to leave school grounds during school hours, including lunch time. School sponsored activities, being checked out by a parent/guardian, and street passes are the only acceptable ways for a student to leave campus during the school day. To receive a street pass, parents need to contact the Counseling Center at (385)646-5225 to notify the school of the time the street pass is needed.
Counseling Center
Olympus Jr. counselors follow the Utah Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance model. Counselors assist students with registration, scheduling classes, social interaction strategies, and problem solving. Our counselors are here to help students.
A major responsibility of the counselors is to prepare each student and parent with a Career and College Readiness Plan (CCRP). The CCRP incorporates student information and competencies in areas of self-knowledge, educational and occupational exploration, and educational career and life planning. A successful CCRP is a cooperative effort of student, parent, and counselor to monitor and manage the student’s educational and career development. During CCRP meetings with students and parents, counselors incorporate different career exploration activities, interest inventories, and learning style assessments. Educational planning, graduation requirements, interpretation of test scores, career interest inventories, and career planning are few of the topics discussed in the required meetings for each grade level. Olympus Jr. strongly encourages parents to attend CCRP meetings so they can participate in the process.
Dances may be scheduled during the year. They will be from 3-4pm, and students are expected to adhere to all school rules at dances.
Students are assigned lunch detention or after school detention for excessive tardies, teacher referrals, infractions of school policy, etc. Students assigned detention will be called to the office to schedule their detention and to call home to notify parents. If the student fails to show for an assigned detention, an additional detention will be assigned. If the student fails to show a second time, they will be referred to administration and may be suspended. For assigned lunch detentions, students will report to the office and follow instructions given there.
Olympus Jr. is committed to our Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) system. There are consequences set in place when students fail to comply with school rules and expectations. Parents will be contacted as needed, and if necessary, district and local police may be contacted. Carefully review the following:
- Disrespect to any other people in the building will not be tolerated.
- Stealing is a crime. All crimes will be reported to the School Resource Officer (SRO).
- Full restitution will be required of any student who commits vandalism or destroys school property.
- Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated.
- Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Consequences for cheating are up to the individual teacher and may include academic and citizenship penalties such as a 0 on the assessment and a 0 in Citizenship.
Discrimination and Harassment
Granite School District complies with all civil rights laws and regulations. As such, the District prohibits all discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and retaliation against any individual based on race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity in its educational programs, activities, admissions, access to facilities, or other treatment. Discrimination or harassing behavior targeted at an individual or group of individuals often takes one or more of the following forms:
- Committing aggressive or violent physical acts or making threats of the same
- Unwelcome communication, jokes, stories, pictures, gestures, or displays of offensive material.
- Isolation, humiliating, or demeaning an individual or intentionally excluding from participation in or access to any facilities, programming, activities, employment, or other benefits.
- Using epithets, slurs, or negative stereotypes or engaging in name calling, verbal abuse, or offensive comments
- Graffiti, drawings, or other symbolic communication with threatening messages, sexual, degrading descriptions, or stereotypical caricatures.
Sexually harassing behavior can be particularly disruptive. Sexual harassment typically involves offensive or unwelcome advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or unwelcome communication of a sexual nature targeted on another individual based on that individual’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or conformance/non-conformance with a real or perceived gender or sexual stereotype that creates and intimidating, hostile, or offensive education environment.
At Olympus Jr. we will be respectful in our attitudes and behaviors toward one another.
Dress Code
School dress code applies to all students. District policy mandates that dress be stylish, modest, and clean. How you dress not only advertises you, but also your school and community. Administration reserves the right to determine if a student’s dress is inappropriate. Students in violation of the dress code will be referred to administration, and students will be asked to call home for a change of clothes if needed.
- Shirts: Adhere to the three-finger rule for tank tops; no halter tops, tube tops, bare midriffs, or backless shirts. Sheer or lacy shirts must have a suitable undershirt, so undergarments are not visible. No shirts with profanity, suggestive sexual connotations, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, gang affiliation, or depictions of illegal acts.
- Shorts, skirts, dresses: Must be 1” longer that the longest finger when arms are put down to the side.
- Pants: No holes/tears that are at or above pocket height. No sagging, holes/tears that expose underwear.
- Shoes: No slippers. Shoes must be worn. Wear shoes that are comfortable for a seven-hour school day on concrete floors in a three-story building.
- Accessories: No hats or bandanas, no spikes, no hanging chains from belts or wallets, belts must be looped through belt loops and not left hanging.
- Other: No pajamas or blankets. Coats should be kept in student lockers or hung on coat rack; they are too bulky for classrooms.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Granite School District Policy—Article VIII.B.7
- Statement of Purpose
The Board recognizes the hazards of illegal drug use and, in agreement with state and federal laws, prohibits the illegal use, possession, distribution, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, or intoxicants of any kind by students. Violations also include student use, possession, distribution, or sale of drug paraphernalia, imitation controlled substances, or resorting where illegal drugs are being used or possessed. This policy covers all Granite District schools, school grounds, school sanctioned activities, and when students are being transported in vehicles dispatched by Granite District.
The regulations which shall guide the enforcement of this policy (Administrative Memorandum No. 95) shall be in keeping with applicable laws. Disciplinary action, independent of court action, will be taken in cases involving students found in violation of District policy. For more detailed information on the Granite District Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy, see the Granite School District Information Packet available on the school and district websites.
Olympus Jr. follows Granite School District Policy regarding drugs and alcohol. Administration will refer students who violate the drugs and alcohol policy to the SRO as well as taking school-based disciplinary action.
Emergency Procedures
Fire, earthquake, and safety drills will be conducted throughout the year. Students will be instructed on and practice proper evacuation protocol to be utilized in the event of an emergency.
During and/or following any emergency, every effort will be made to keep the school open and the students at school until the regular closing time. This is assuming the building is habitable. Students are safer at school than they would be on their own. If the building is not habitable, students will be moved to our off-site emergency place and parents notified.
We strongly recommend parents have and review with their student a family plan to deal with emergency situations. Staff will be on duty at school to supervise and will remain at school until all students have been released to parents. Bus students will be transported as usual unless otherwise announced on a Public Service Radio Station. Any civil emergency instructions that are broadcast for our area will take precedence over this school plan. An emergency booklet is in each classroom along with a posted evacuation plan. Teachers receive emergency situation training in addition to the emergency drills conducted with students.
Fighting of any kind will not be tolerated at school, while travelling to and from school, on any school bus, or at any school event. The penalty for involvement in a fight (which is defined as an exchange of physical contact such as hitting, slapping, punching, shoving, or kicking) will result in a three-day suspension from school and referral to the SRO. A conference with the parents of each student suspended is required BEFORE a student can return to school. Involved students will also be referred to the Granite School District Safe School Program. Granite School District also allows a $50 fine for students involved in fights.
Students who are intimidated or harassed by other students should report it to the office immediately. Students who attend a fight, or encourage a fight, will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension. Students may also be referred to the SRO.
Food and Drink
Students are encouraged to carry water bottles at school.
Food should remain in designated areas. Students are expected to make sure all waste is properly disposed. Vending machines are available to students during lunch time, but they are use at your own risk. The school is unable to issue refunds for money or product that is lost when using the machines. The vending machines will be shut off if the students do not clean up after themselves.
Granite School District School Safety Policy
For the safety of students, staff and visitors to our schools, the Granite Board of Education has a strict “School Safety” policy. It provides guidelines for dealing with disruptive incidents at school and at student activities. The intent of this policy is to give all students the right to attend school and school-sponsored activities without undue concern for their physical safety.
The “School Safety” policy established penalties and procedures for:
- Any threat or act of violence
- Possession of any type of weapon (real, look-alike or pretend) regardless of intent.
- Any form of organized gang activity
- Destruction or defacement of school or school property
- Conduct in locations away from the school that threatens or does harm to the school or persons associated with the school.
Students who violate this policy may subject themselves to:
- Automatic suspension from school
- Referral to law enforcement officials
- Mandatory parent/guardian conference at school or district office
- Referral to district Student Services
- Placement in an alternative program
- Expulsion from school, or other action to resolve the problem.
- A mandatory one-year expulsion may be imposed for any incident involving firearms.
Hall Passes
Any student in the hall during class time is expected to have teacher permission. Individual teachers will establish the procedure for using the hall pass for their class. Students in the halls without teacher permission will have detention consequences. Hall passes are individual and are designated to be used by one student at a time.
Students injured at school should immediately report to the office so an injury report can be completed and parents contacted. If the student requires immediate medical attention, the report will be completed when the student returns to school. It is important for the office to have the most up to date emergency contact information for every student so parents can be contacted in case of injury.
Internet Use Agreement
Students may access the internet from school for teacher-directed activities. All students must complete the online Internet Use Agreement when they first log into the system.
Student Body Officer elections are held in the spring of the preceding school year. Students must meet eligibility requirements to run, and then eligibility must be maintained during their tenure as an SBO. Students cannot have PBL scores or Citizenship Grades changed to become eligible to run for SBO. All PBL and CPA issues need to be addressed within two weeks of the date report cards are issued. If there is a question regarding PBL or CPA, it is best to address it in a timely manner. SBOs will need to take the Leadership class as one of their seven classes for the year.
Class officers for each grade will be elected in the fall. Class officers must also meet eligibility requirements and maintain those levels during the school year. Class officers will need to take the Leadership class as one of their seven classes for the year.
PBIS Ambassadors are selected through an application and interview process during the fall that leads to the PBIS teacher team selecting the Ambassadors. The Ambassador officers will need to take the Leadership class as one of their seven classes for the year.
Learning Activities
Learning activities are assignments given to help students learn the standards that will be assessed on graded assessments. Teachers are encouraged to assign learning activities that should be completed outside of class time. A few hints for families to get the most from learning activities are to:
- Plan– assign a specific time for study at home. Keep your student planner updated and take home all necessary books, papers, etc. to complete learning activities.
- Place– have a designated place at home to study that has all needed materials available. Do not work while the TV is on or while you are texting/talking to friends on the phone.
- Procedure– be certain you understand the learning activity when the teacher assigns it. Read the entire set of instructions before beginning work. Use the learning activity as a chance to study and make sure you understand the material when you are finished.
The library is open to students before and after school. Students are expected to work quietly when in the library. We encourage students to check out books from the library and to use Sora to check out e-books. Students are responsible for returning books on time and to not lose them. Late fines and lost book fines will be charged when applicable.
The school provides lockers to each student. Lockers are the property of the school and can be searched at any time. Unauthorized items will be removed. Students should keep their combination confidential. Do NOT share your combination with friends. Students are responsible to not damage or deface their locker. Fines will be assessed as needed. Olympus Jr. is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Do not write on the inside or outside of the locker.
- Do not use tape, glue, or other similar substances to hang pictures; do not place stickers.
- No balloons or glitter are allowed to be used to decorate lockers.
- Students should clean their locker out once a week.
- Do not leave food or drinks in the locker.
Students are expected to leave campus after school is out each day by no later than 3pm Monday-Thursday and by 12:45pm on Fridays. Exceptions are made for those students under the direct supervision of a teacher after school.
Lost and Found
Lost and found is located in the cubicles in the commons. At the end of each quarter, all unclaimed items will be given to charity. We do not keep lost textbooks in the lost and found; they are returned to the library so they can be returned to the owner.
Do not bring large amounts of money, cameras, electronic devices, or other valuables to school. The school is not responsible personal property. If an item is stolen, a theft report may be filed with the assistant principal.
Olympus Jr. uses a computerized lunch program, and each student will be assigned a lunch pin number. It is important that these pin numbers be kept confidential. Each pin number is allowed one lunch per day. Lunch will be free for all students during the 2021-2022 school year. Students will need to enter their lunch pin number, but there will be no charge/cost for school lunch.
Students will be encouraged to eat lunch on the outside field when weather permits. Students are expected to clean up their own lunch mess and dispose of their garbage. Students must eat within the school boundaries of the field. Students who leave a mess or are caught throwing food will be assigned lunch detention. Students may not leave campus. The seminary building is off campus.
Birthday lunches or other celebrations are discouraged. School is a place of inclusivity, and these activities lend the way to exclusion. Please celebrate monumental moments outside of school hours. Parents and other adults are not allowed on school grounds at lunch unless volunteering as a supervisor.
Make-up Assessments
When a student misses a class or day(s) at school, it is the student’s responsibility to check with teachers to get assessments that was missed. Students can also check CANVAS for missed assessments and learning activities. If a student is going to miss an extended amount of school, parents can work with the counselor to get work from teachers. Absences need to be excused through the Counseling Center 385-646-5225.
Self-Administered–Students may retain and self-administer epinephrine (EpiPens), insulin, or asthma medication (inhaler) if a parent/guardian completes a current Granite School District Medication Authorization form that includes a statement from the student’s health care provider (physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant) that the student is capable of carrying and self-administering his or her own medication, and that it is medically necessary for them to keep the medication at all times.
- Prescription medications may be retained and self-administered provided that students shall not possess more than a one-day dose of the prescription or over-the-counter medication at school.
- Prescription and non-prescription medication shall be taken as directed by a prescription or manufacturer’s directions.
- Prescription and non-prescription medication shall not be sold, shared, or distributed to others.
School-Administered— Medications (prescription and non-prescription) may be administered by school staff to students using the following procedures:
- Schools shall require and maintain a current Medication Authorization form.
- Medications shall be furnished by parents/guardians and delivered to the school by a responsible adult accompanied by written consent of the parent/guardian and current written orders (directions and prescriptions) from the student’s health care provider. Orders shall indicate the student’s name, medication, dose, route, time of administration, medication’s purpose, a statement from the health care provider that the medication is necessary during school hours, and any possible side effects and procedures to follow if a severe reaction should occur.
- Medications shall be current and delivered to the school in a pharmacy or manufacturer’s labeled container only. The pharmacy label shall include the student’s name, name of medication, dose, time, and route. Students using more than one medication (or requiring different dosages of the same medication) shall provide separate pharmacy or manufacturer labeled containers for each medication.
- All medications shall be stored by the school in a locked cabinet or drawer along with information for that medication.
For more information, please visit the Granite School District Policy on Medication Procedures (PDF).
Memory Book
It is preferred that memory books be purchased at the beginning of the school year when registration fees are paid. The cost is $20. The deadline for purchasing a memory books is Friday, December 17, 2021. After this date, we will no longer take orders for memory books. When we order memory books, we will order as many as we have sold, so if you want a book, make sure to order before the deadline.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued one week after the end of each term. Midterm reports are given to the student in the middle of each quarter. A recorded call out, email, and text message will inform parents that report cards have been distributed to students. Parents with questions or concerns about their student’s performance may email the teacher(s) with the concern or schedule an appointment with his/her teacher(s).
Street Passes
It is preferred that parents come into the building to check out their student when they need to leave school during the school day. Students may bring a note to the Counseling Center before the school day begins to request a street pass, though. The note must be signed by a parent/guardian and include a phone number where the parent can be reached. Street passes will be verified prior to being issued. When a student has been issued a street pass, they will show it to their teacher at the beginning of the class they will be leaving so the teacher knows they will need to leave. Students will only be released to those who are listed as pick-up contacts in Discovery.
Student Drop-off/Pick-up
Pick-up and drop-off should take place in the east driveway. The west side of the school is designated as the bus zone. The north end of the building is faculty parking, and the north doors will be locked. The east and west doors will be open before school for students to come into the building.
Students who arrive at school prior to 7:30am will be asked to remain in the commons/cafeteria area until 7:30am unless they have a prior appointment with a teacher.
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to arrive to school on time and to be to their classes on time during the school day. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late to school, they need to report directly to the Counseling Center with a note from their parent.
Tardies are cumulative by class period, not by day. Tardies will affect a student’s Citizenship grade in their respective classes.
Number of Tardies (Per Class) | Consequence |
1 | Teacher marks student tardy and reminds them not to be tardy |
2 | CCLR score for Dependability drops to a 3 |
3 | CCLR score for Dependability drops to a 2; Teacher will contact parents |
4 | CCLR score for Dependability drops to a 1; Referred to Administration |
5+ | Additional Administrative consequences |
Telephone Use
Cell phones are prohibited from 7:45am-2:45pm. Therefore, the Counseling Center has a phone available for students to use if they need to call home.
Olympus Jr. High uses a tracking system with bar code strips. Students are responsible for textbooks/novels checked out to them. Students are responsible to return textbooks/novels with the same barcode as the book that was initially checked out to them. Returned books with no barcode will not be credited to student accounts. If books are damaged or lost, the student will be fined.
Olympus Jr. High will fine students that vandalize school property. Students that commit vandalism will also have administrative discipline.
Parents, guardians, and invited classroom guests are welcome at Olympus Jr. High. All visitors are required to report to the Main Office for a visitor pass. Students not enrolled at Olympus Jr. High will not be issued a visitor pass and are not allowed on school campus during school hours.