Please complete the form for any school wide announcement requests to be broadcasted on one or more of these platforms listed: Please give a minimum of 24 hours notice.
- Morning Tville TV announcements (YouTube channel)
- School Website Post
- Display TVs (in main office, DHall bridge(N/S), commons)
- Social Media post (Facebook, Instagram)
- Outdoor Marquee (brief messages in text only)
- Website posts will only be made for announcements that apply to the general school community. Only athletic tryouts for the general school community will be posted on the school website, not times for specific club meetings
- format images in wide/LANDSCAPE view, (not Portrait view) to display correctly on the slides(1920px x 950px; 16:9 Aspect)
- Images should be formatted to avoid cropping or poor image quality. (preferably between 320px by 320px and 1080px by 1080px using 1:1 aspect ratio)