Digital citizenship is the ability to participate safely, intelligently, productively and responsibly in the digital world.
Digital citizenship should also include positive, creative, deliberate use of technological tools and skills to create, connect, communicate, and collaborate in ways that make a positive contribution to family, school, and community life.
- Digital Footprint (all the ways a personal trail is left when computers are used)
- Media Literacy (smart consumption and ability to participate in online conversations)
- Security (keeping technical devices free from malware and protecting self from data loss)
- Ethics (following personal values and legal standards in the digital sphere)
- Digital Literacy (knowing how to use digital tools to create content and more)
- Harmful Content (identifying and avoiding harmful content)
- Digital Safety (staying safe from physical harms like predators)
- Etiquette (cultural rules for online interaction)
- Cyberbullying (overt and covert intimidation using technical media)
- Sexting (sending explicit photos or texts through digital means)
For More Resources on Digital Citizenship for Parents see the Granite School District Educational Technology site

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