Granger’s Little Lancer Preschool is accepting applications for Fall 2022!
The Little Lancer Preschool is a lab preschool and is run in conjunction with the Early Childhood Education courses at Granger High School. The highschoolers are excited to work with the preschoolers!
Preschoolers need to be at least 3 years old AND potty trained by September 01, 2022.
The dates, times, and tuition cost for the 22-23 year are estimated here and are subject to change based on any district changes from the 21-22 school year to the 22-23 school year. The following is what we expect as of right now.
Orientation, Start, and End dates are expected to be: orientation the week of 9/19, preschool start the week of 9/26, and preschool end the week of 5/8. Preschool will be 4 days/week, either Monday-Thursday or Tuesday-Friday, depending on the high school late start day for the 22-23 year. The preschool times are expected to be from 9:10 am – 11:50 am (this could change a little, but it should be close to that). Tuition will be around $125/month.
To reserve a spot, fill out this application.
Please make payments in person at the high school office. Please check the high school website for office hours and their phone number if you need it.
We’re excited to work with you and your child as they prepare for kindergarten. Contact Mrs. Jackie Griffith at for additional information and questions.