Do you need to make up citizenship credit (improve your CPA) in order to graduate? Are you having trouble attending school regularly? The Worth of Education class will help you! The class has been carefully developed to help secondary students and their parents understand the value and benefits of education and the importance of learning. Through interactive presentations, students and parents will learn how education is preparation for the future. Students and parents may also learn how to turn dreams into realities and how to overcome obstacles that get in the way of school success.
How does it work?
This class is 4 hours long. Students and parents must attend the entire time to get full credit. Students can attend only when accompanied by at least one parent. Both the students and parents receive participation credit to improve citizenship point average (CPA). A 2.0 CPA is required for high school graduation. Participation and subsequent citizenship credit is limited to one time. How many hours will you be awarded?Worth of Education (With a Parent): 24 hoursWorth of education (Student Only): 16 hoursSaturday School: 8 hoursThere is no cost to students and their parents. However, students and parents/guardians must attend the full session in order to complete the class.
Dates & Location
Please arrive to class 5-10 minutes before start time.
Jeff Jackson, Assistant Principal, Granger High School –
Mónica Candia, Counselor, Granger High School –
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