Welcome to Granger High School
Please use the School Search map to verify that your address is within our school boundary before continuing with registration.
If your address is within Granger boundaries, please fill out the following registration form along with providing the following documents:
- Proof of address (deed/lease, record of most recent mortgage/rent payment. or two of the following dated within the past 60 days: letter from a government agency, payroll stub, bank or credit card statement, utility bill, valid driver’s license, current vehicle registration, valid Utah ID card, valid passport, voter registration document.
- Student’s immunization record.
- Student’s birth certificate.
- Transcripts from previous school (if available)
These documents can be sent by email to: Grangerhs@graniteschools.org OR brought to the attendance office preferably by appointment.
Use the navigation buttons at the bottom of each page to proceed through the registration process. If you have any problems or questions, please call the Family Engagement Center at (385) 646-5320.
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