The best preparation each family can take is to update their contact information with the main office at the start of every new school year. Please contact the main office today to update yours.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
― Benjamin Franklin
To continually support a safe learning environment for Oakwood Elementary, we complete drills each year to make sure we are prepared in case a situation arises. We appreciate the students, teachers, and staff members for their help and support during our drills.
Schedule of 2022-23 School Drills
Types of Drills and Procedures
Lockout (previously known as Shelter in Place / Lockdown)
Lockdown (previously known as Lockdown with Cover)
Inclement Weather Procedures
Please be aware that we would like to keep schools open, if at all possible.
If there is a heavy snowstorm, one of the following plans could be implemented:
If buses can get to the routes, our school will be open.
If buses cannot get to the routes, our school may have a late start.
If buses cannot get to the routes, we will have a virtual learning day with students and teachers.
working from home using Class Dojo or Class Tag (depending on your teacher’s method of communication).
If there is a snow day, I will send an email, text, and voicemail to alert all parents and students!
For more information on the Granite School District’s Inclement Weather Procedures please select here.

School Emergency Procedures
Safety protocols are put into practice to ensure student safety.
Communication during emergency situations will occur as quickly as possible. The school’s phone system will be put into operation, and district social media accounts will provide updates on the situation as it unfolds. Please remember that information will not be relayed until all students are safely accounted for and all information is accurate.
Please make sure your contact information is up to date with your school. Let the front office staff know if you change your email address, cellphone number or home phone number. Automated messaging systems pull contact information provided by parents and students.
All staff members are trained on emergency procedures. If you have questions about certain safety protocols at your school, please contact your principal directly. You may also visit the Granite School District’s Emergency Protocol’s page and School Emergency Information’s page.
Remain up to date during school drills and emergency situations, by following us on social media:

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