Taylorsville Schedule Change Request Policy
- An online schedule change form will be available before first semester. However, NO online schedule change is available before 2nd semester. All changes must be made with the counselor before Winter Break (Dec. 21, 2023).
- At the beginning of each semester students must attend their classes for the first 4 days (two A days & two B days) before requesting a schedule change.
- We will not accept any non-essential schedule change requests during the first 4 days of the semester. An Essential schedule change is defined as any change that corrects level placement, is required for graduation, or is tied to a CTE Pathway.
Teacher Change Policy/Procedure (after first five days of semester)
- Student meets with the teacher to discuss issue and make a plan to address the issue/concern.
- Student meets with their counselor to explain the issue and problem solve.
- Student and counselor meet with administration if there are any further issues to be addressed.
- Class/teacher change is completed only if approved by administration and there is space available in the requested replacement class. We will not overfill classes.