There is a lot going on this week. Please read the bulleted points below carefully.
Mask Mandate: The Salt Lake County Health Department has issued a mask mandate. All students and staff on Monday will be required to wear a mask while in our buildings. Check your emails from Granite School District for more information. Please provide your student with a mask on Monday. We will have extras available for those who do not have one if needed.
RISE practice: This link: provides a letter with information your student can use to prepare for the upcoming RISE test. As we know, the more students practice, the more familiar with the test they become and likely will do better. Accurate testing results will be vital for the coming years. The information we receive from these results will be utilized to determine where funding can be used to ensure all students are on track to succeed.
Reading results: Take a moment to have your student show you their reading results that can be found in their Google drive/English folder. Churchill is number one in the district on our reading results! We are proud of this, but know that we must continue to push students on literacy. We know reading is fundamental for all areas of life. This week your students’ goal below should be based on their reading test results. Studies show that when you have conversations with your students about their goals it has a huge impact on growth and intrinsic motivation.
Reflections Region winner: We are proud of Salomé Eggert, who won the Reflections region level Award of Merit for Literature. They will be invited to a drive through awards night on January 13th.
(We are still in need of a wrestling coach. If you have an interest or know someone please reach out to Cris Brimley @